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Get the Fe Among Us V2

The Fe Among Us V2 code is below. Copy & inject it into the game. Enjoy!

local netboost = 1000 --velocity 
--netboost usage: 
--set to false to disable
--set to a vector3 value if you dont want the velocity to change
--set to a number to change the velocity in real time with magnitude equal to the number
local idleMag = 0.005 --used only in case netboost is set to a number value
--if magnitude of the real velocity of a part is lower than this
--then the fake velocity is being set to, netboost, 0)
--the lower value the less you jitter but you might loose network ownership
local simradius = "shp" --simulation radius (net bypass) method
--"shp" - sethiddenproperty
--"ssr" - setsimulationradius
--false - disable
local antiragdoll = true --removes hingeConstraints and ballSocketConstraints from your character
local newanimate = false --disables the animate script and enables after reanimation
local discharscripts = true --disables all localScripts parented to your character before reanimation
local R15toR6 = true --tries to convert your character to r6 if its r15
local addtools = false --puts all tools from backpack to character and lets you hold them after reanimation
local loadtime = game:GetService("Players").RespawnTime + 0.5 --anti respawn delay
local method = 3 --reanimation method
--0 - breakJoints (takes [loadtime] seconds to laod)
--1 - limbs
--2 - limbs + anti respawn
--3 - limbs + breakJoints after [loadtime] seconds
--4 - remove humanoid + breakJoints
--5 - remove humanoid + limbs
local alignmode = 2 --AlignPosition mode
--1 - AlignPosition rigidity enabled true
--2 - 2 AlignPositions rigidity enabled both true and false
--3 - AlignPosition rigidity enabled false
local hedafterneck = true --disable aligns for head and enable after neck is removed

local lp = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local rs = game:GetService("RunService")
local stepped = rs.Stepped
local heartbeat = rs.Heartbeat
local renderstepped = rs.RenderStepped
local sg = game:GetService("StarterGui")
local ws = game:GetService("Workspace")
local cf =
local v3 =
local v3_0 = v3(0, 0, 0)
local inf = math.huge

local c = lp.Character

if not (c and c.Parent) then

for i, v in pairs(c:GetDescendants()) do
    if v:IsA("CharacterMesh") or v:IsA("SpecialMesh") then

    if not (c and c.Parent) then
        c = nil

local function gp(parent, name, className)
 local ret = nil
  for i, v in pairs(parent:GetChildren()) do
   if (v.Name == name) and v:IsA(className) then
    ret = v
 return ret

local function align(Part0, Part1)
 Part0.CustomPhysicalProperties =, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001)

 local att0 ="Attachment", Part0)
 att0.Orientation = v3_0
 att0.Position = v3_0
 att0.Name = "att0_" .. Part0.Name
 local att1 ="Attachment", Part1)
 att1.Orientation = v3_0
 att1.Position = v3_0
 att1.Name = "att1_" .. Part1.Name

 if (alignmode == 1) or (alignmode == 2) then
     local ape ="AlignPosition", att0)
     ape.ApplyAtCenterOfMass = false
     ape.MaxForce = inf
     ape.MaxVelocity = inf
     ape.ReactionForceEnabled = false
     ape.Responsiveness = 200
     ape.Attachment1 = att1
     ape.Attachment0 = att0
     ape.Name = "AlignPositionRtrue"
     ape.RigidityEnabled = true

 if (alignmode == 2) or (alignmode == 3) then
     local apd ="AlignPosition", att0)
     apd.ApplyAtCenterOfMass = false
     apd.MaxForce = inf
     apd.MaxVelocity = inf
     apd.ReactionForceEnabled = false
     apd.Responsiveness = 200
     apd.Attachment1 = att1
     apd.Attachment0 = att0
     apd.Name = "AlignPositionRfalse"
     apd.RigidityEnabled = false

 local ao ="AlignOrientation", att0)
 ao.MaxAngularVelocity = inf
 ao.MaxTorque = inf
 ao.PrimaryAxisOnly = false
 ao.ReactionTorqueEnabled = false
 ao.Responsiveness = 200
 ao.Attachment1 = att1
 ao.Attachment0 = att0
 ao.RigidityEnabled = false

    if netboost then
            if not (Part0 and Part0.Parent) then
                Part0 = nil
            if typeof(netboost) == "Vector3" then
             local vel = v3_0
             local rotvel = v3_0
             while Part0 do
                    Part0.Velocity = vel
                    Part0.RotVelocity = rotvel
                    if Part0 then
                        vel = Part0.Velocity
                        Part0.Velocity = netboost
                        Part0.RotVelocity = v3_0
         elseif typeof(netboost) == "number" then
             local vel = v3_0
             local rotvel = v3_0
             while Part0 do
                    Part0.Velocity = vel
                    Part0.RotVelocity = rotvel
                    if Part0 then
                        local newvel = vel
                        local mag = newvel.Magnitude
                        if mag < idleMag xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed bv.Name = "bv_" xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed> 0) then
         hum0.Health = 0
     if hum0 and hum0.Parent and (hum0.Health > 0) then
         hum0.Health = 0
sg:SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", rb)

 while c do
  if hum0 and hum0.Parent and hum1 and hum1.Parent then
            hum1.Jump = hum0.Jump
 sg:SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", true)

R15toR6 = R15toR6 and hum1 and (hum1.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15)
if R15toR6 then
 local cfr = nil
  cfr = gp(c, "HumanoidRootPart", "BasePart").CFrame
 if cfr then
  local R6parts = { 
   head = {
    Name = "Head",
    Size = v3(2, 1, 1),
    R15 = {
     Head = 0
   torso = {
    Name = "Torso",
    Size = v3(2, 2, 1),
    R15 = {
     UpperTorso = 0.2,
     LowerTorso = -0.8
   root = {
    Name = "HumanoidRootPart",
    Size = v3(2, 2, 1),
    R15 = {
     HumanoidRootPart = 0
   leftArm = {
    Name = "Left Arm",
    Size = v3(1, 2, 1),
    R15 = {
     LeftHand = -0.85,
     LeftLowerArm = -0.2,
     LeftUpperArm = 0.4
   rightArm = {
    Name = "Right Arm",
    Size = v3(1, 2, 1),
    R15 = {
     RightHand = -0.85,
     RightLowerArm = -0.2,
     RightUpperArm = 0.4
   leftLeg = {
    Name = "Left Leg",
    Size = v3(1, 2, 1),
    R15 = {
     LeftFoot = -0.85,
     LeftLowerLeg = -0.15,
     LeftUpperLeg = 0.6
   rightLeg = {
    Name = "Right Leg",
    Size = v3(1, 2, 1),
    R15 = {
     RightFoot = -0.85,
     RightLowerLeg = -0.15,
     RightUpperLeg = 0.6
  for i, v in pairs(c:GetChildren()) do
   if v:IsA("BasePart") then
    for i1, v1 in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
     if v1:IsA("Motor6D") then
      v1.Part0 = nil
  for i, v in pairs(R6parts) do
   local part ="Part")
   part.Name = v.Name
   part.Size = v.Size
   part.CFrame = cfr
   part.Anchored = false
   part.Transparency = 1
   part.CanCollide = false
   for i1, v1 in pairs(v.R15) do
    local R15part = gp(c, i1, "BasePart")
    local att = gp(R15part, "att1_" .. i1, "Attachment")
    if R15part then
     local weld ="Weld", R15part)
     weld.Name = "Weld_" .. i1
     weld.Part0 = part
     weld.Part1 = R15part
     weld.C0 = cf(0, v1, 0)
     weld.C1 = cf(0, 0, 0)
     R15part.Massless = true
     R15part.Name = "R15_" .. i1
     R15part.Parent = part
        if att then
            att.Parent = part
            att.Position = v3(0, v1, 0)
   part.Parent = c
   R6parts[i] = part
  local R6joints = {
   neck = {
    Parent = R6parts.torso,
    Name = "Neck",
    Part0 = R6parts.torso,
    Part1 = R6parts.head,
    C0 = cf(0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0),
    C1 = cf(0, -0.5, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0)
   rootJoint = {
    Parent = R6parts.root,
    Name = "RootJoint" ,
    Part0 = R6parts.root,
    Part1 = R6parts.torso,
    C0 = cf(0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0),
    C1 = cf(0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0)
   rightShoulder = {
    Parent = R6parts.torso,
    Name = "Right Shoulder",
    Part0 = R6parts.torso,
    Part1 = R6parts.rightArm,
    C0 = cf(1, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0, -1, 0, 0),
    C1 = cf(-0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0, -1, 0, 0)
   leftShoulder = {
    Parent = R6parts.torso,
    Name = "Left Shoulder",
    Part0 = R6parts.torso,
    Part1 = R6parts.leftArm,
    C0 = cf(-1, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0),
    C1 = cf(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
   rightHip = {
    Parent = R6parts.torso,
    Name = "Right Hip",
    Part0 = R6parts.torso,
    Part1 = R6parts.rightLeg,
    C0 = cf(1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0, -1, 0, 0),
    C1 = cf(0.5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0, -1, 0, 0)
   leftHip = {
    Parent = R6parts.torso,
    Name = "Left Hip" ,
    Part0 = R6parts.torso,
    Part1 = R6parts.leftLeg,
    C0 = cf(-1, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0),
    C1 = cf(-0.5, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  for i, v in pairs(R6joints) do
   local joint ="Motor6D")
   for prop, val in pairs(v) do
    joint[prop] = val
   R6joints[i] = joint
  hum1.RigType = Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6
  hum1.HipHeight = 0

if not c then

local venttoggle = false
local vented = false
local mode2 = false
local attack = false
local modetoggle = false
local dead = false
local dtoggle = false
local sittoggle = false
local sit = false
local sine = 0
local mouse = lp:GetMouse()

local joints = {
    ["RootJoint"] = "",
    ["Neck"] = "",
    ["Right Hip"] = "",
    ["Left Hip"] = "",
    ["Left Shoulder"] = "",
    ["Right Shoulder"] = ""

for i, v in pairs(c:GetDescendants()) do
    if v:IsA("Motor6D") and (joints[v.Name] == "") and (not v:IsDescendantOf(model)) then
        joints[v.Name] = v

for i, v in pairs(joints) do
    if v and (v ~= "") then
        v.C0 = cf(0, 0, 0)
        v.C1 = cf(0, 0, 0)

local Root = gp(c, "HumanoidRootPart", "BasePart")
if not Root then

local function replace(a)
    local b, c = a.Part0, a.Part1
    a.Part1, a.Part0 = b, c

replace(joints["Left Shoulder"])
replace(joints["Right Shoulder"])
replace(joints["Left Hip"])
replace(joints["Right Hip"])

for i, v in pairs(c:GetChildren()) do
    if v:IsA("Accessory") then

joints.Neck.C0 = cf(0, 0.3, -0.5)

    if not (kill or mode2 or dead) then
        attack = true
        vented = false
        hum1.WalkSpeed = 0
        hum1.WalkSpeed = 16
        attack = false

    if not c then 
    key = key:lower()
    if k == "e" then
        if not venttoggle then
            modetoggle = false
            mode2 = false
            venttoggle = true
            vented = true
            hum1.WalkSpeed = 100
            position = "ventidle"
        elseif venttoggle then
            venttoggle = false
            vented = false
            hum1.WalkSpeed = 16
    elseif key == "f" then
        if not modetoggle then
            venttoggle = false
            vented = false
            modetoggle = true
            mode2 = true
            sittoggle = false
            sit = false
            hum1.WalkSpeed = 60
        elseif modetoggle then
            modetoggle = false
            mode2 = false
            hum1.WalkSpeed = 16
    elseif key == "q" then
        if dtoggle == false then
            venttoggle = false
            vented = false
            modetoggle = false
            mode2 = false
            dtoggle = true
            dead = true
            sittoggle = false
            sit = false
            hum1.WalkSpeed = 0
        elseif dtoggle == true then
            dtoggle = false
            dead = false
            hum1.WalkSpeed = 16
    elseif key == "c" then
        if sittoggle == false then
            venttoggle = false
            vented = false
            modetoggle = false
            mode2 = false
            dtoggle = false
            dead = false
            sittoggle = true
            sit = true
            hum1.WalkSpeed = 0
        elseif sittoggle == true then
            sittoggle = false
            sit = false
            hum1.WalkSpeed = 16

local pose = "idle"
while stepped:Wait() and c do
    if attack then
        pose = "attack"
    elseif dead then
        pose = "dead"
    elseif sit then
        pose = "sit"
    elseif mode2 then
        if Root.Velocity.Magnitude < 2 pose = "idle2"> 20 then
            pose = "walk2"
        if Root.Velocity.y > 1 then
            pose = "jump"
        elseif Root.Velocity.y < -1 then
            pose = "fall"
        elseif Root.Velocity.Magnitude < 2 pose = "idle" pose = "walk"> 20 then
            pose = "run"
    sine += 1
    if pose == "idle" then
        joints["RootJoint"].C0 = joints["RootJoint"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0 + 0.3 * math.sin(sine/12), 0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + 10 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
        joints["Right Hip"].C0 = joints["Right Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 2 + 0.3 * math.sin(sine/12), 0.3 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + 10 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(20 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(-3 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
        joints["Left Hip"].C0 = joints["Left Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 2 + 0.3 * math.sin(sine/12), 0.3 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + 10 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(-20 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(3 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
    elseif pose == "walk" then
        joints["RootJoint"].C0 = joints["RootJoint"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0 + 0.3 * math.sin(sine/12), 0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-10 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
        joints["Right Hip"].C0 = joints["Right Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 2 + 0.3 * math.sin(sine/12), 0.3 + 0.3 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + 30 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
        joints["Left Hip"].C0 = joints["Left Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 2 + 0.3 * math.sin(sine/12), 0.3 + -0.3 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + -30 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
    elseif pose == "jump" then
        joints["RootJoint"].C0 = joints["RootJoint"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
        joints["Right Hip"].C0 = joints["Right Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0.5 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0.5 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(15 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
        joints["Left Hip"].C0 = joints["Left Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 1 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0.5 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(10 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
    elseif pose == "fall" then
        joints["RootJoint"].C0 = joints["RootJoint"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
        joints["Right Hip"].C0 = joints["Right Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0.5 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0.5 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(15 + 10 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(-10 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
        joints["Left Hip"].C0 = joints["Left Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 1 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0.5 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(10 + 5 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(10 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
    elseif pose == "vent" then
        joints["RootJoint"].C0 = joints["RootJoint"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0 + -8 * math.sin(sine/12), 0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
        joints["Right Hip"].C0 = joints["Right Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 1.5 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 1 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(26.02 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
        joints["Left Hip"].C0 = joints["Left Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 2 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
    elseif pose == "ventidle" then
        joints["RootJoint"].C0 = joints["RootJoint"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), -20 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
        joints["Right Hip"].C0 = joints["Right Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 1.5 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 1 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(26.02 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
        joints["Left Hip"].C0 = joints["Left Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 2 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
    elseif pose == "idle2" then
        joints["RootJoint"].C0 = joints["RootJoint"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/20), 3 + 0.3 * math.sin(sine/20), 0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/20)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + 20 * math.sin(sine/20)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/20)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/20))),0.1)
        joints["Right Hip"].C0 = joints["Right Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/20), 1 + 0 * math.sin(sine/20), 1 + 0 * math.sin(sine/20)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(20 + -20 * math.sin(sine/20)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/20)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/20))),0.1)
        joints["Left Hip"].C0 = joints["Left Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/20), 2 + 0 * math.sin(sine/20), 0.5 + -0.5 * math.sin(sine/20)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(10 + -20 * math.sin(sine/20)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/20)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/20))),0.1)
    elseif pose == "walk2" then
        joints["RootJoint"].C0 = joints["RootJoint"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/20), 3 + 0.3 * math.sin(sine/20), 0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/20)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-60 + 10 * math.sin(sine/20)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/20)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/20))),0.1)
        joints["Right Hip"].C0 = joints["Right Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/20), 2 + 0 * math.sin(sine/20), 0.3 + 0 * math.sin(sine/20)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + -10 * math.sin(sine/20)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/20)), math.rad(-5 + 0 * math.sin(sine/20))),0.1)
        joints["Left Hip"].C0 = joints["Left Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/20), 1 + 0 * math.sin(sine/20), 0.5 + 0 * math.sin(sine/20)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + -20 * math.sin(sine/20)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/20)), math.rad(5 + 0 * math.sin(sine/20))),0.1)
    elseif pose == "attack" then
        joints["RootJoint"].C0 = joints["RootJoint"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/5), 0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/5), 0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/5)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(30 + 0 * math.sin(sine/5)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/5)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/5))),0.1)
        joints["Right Hip"].C0 = joints["Right Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 2 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0.5 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(30 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(-4 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
        joints["Left Hip"].C0 = joints["Left Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 2 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0.5 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(30 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(4 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
    elseif pose == "sit" then
        joints["RootJoint"].C0 = joints["RootJoint"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/5), -1.8 + 0 * math.sin(sine/5), 0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/5)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(10 + 0 * math.sin(sine/5)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/5)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/5))),0.1)
        joints["Right Hip"].C0 = joints["Right Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 1 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), -1 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(10 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(-4 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
        joints["Left Hip"].C0 = joints["Left Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 1 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), -1 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(-10 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
    elseif pose == "dead" then
        joints["RootJoint"].C0 = joints["RootJoint"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/5), -2.5 + 0 * math.sin(sine/5), -1 + 0 * math.sin(sine/5)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90 + 0 * math.sin(sine/5)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/5)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/5))),0.1)
        joints["Right Hip"].C0 = joints["Right Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 3 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(-4 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
        joints["Left Hip"].C0 = joints["Left Hip"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 3 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(4 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
    joints["Right Shoulder"].C0 = joints["Right Shoulder"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), -0.8 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)
    joints["Left Shoulder"].C0 = joints["Left Shoulder"].C0:lerp( + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), 0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12), -0.8 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12)), math.rad(0 + 0 * math.sin(sine/12))),0.1)